New Propulsion Products Now Ready. Details are shown below.

ALEx engine is operating as expected on board ALE-2 satellite


Patchedconics, LLC was established in 2016, and is acknowledged and supported by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

JAXA accomplished the Hayabusa mission, the world's first Sample and Return from an Asteroid, Itokawa, in 2010 as the slides above featued. Patchedconics provides and disseminates the technologies developed through Hayabusa project.

The technologies include Green and Affordable Thrusters, Distributed IoT Heaters as Space Applicaions, as well as Smart IoT Breakers, Distributed IoT PC Power Controllers in Energy Management.

CEO Message

"Innovation starts from what is invisible!"


Space Products

Brand new Propulsion System and IoT Wireless Heaters are shown here.


Energy Management Products

Independent Parallel Energy Management System (EMS) was born from Space.



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